Megan Thorson
Marietta, Georgia USA
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I got this when I was fourteen and working as a kennel worker at a vet. One summer afternoon I was walking two little fluffy white pekignese dogs named Squeaky and Skittles. Squeaky jumped out of the cage followed by Skittles. As we walked towards the door to leave the kennel one of the dogs stopped and I stumbled, so I wouldn't step on them, and tripped. As I tripped I fell slightly forward and a piece of metal wire that was sticking out from one of the cages jammed into my thigh. It made a cut of about 2 1/2 inches. I yelled a few choice words and then watched blood trickle down to my ankle. I should have had it stitched up but I didn't. After a year or so the scar turned completely white and my friends called it my "sperm scar" from then on.