We met Mona through her clothes store, Soul Chain. She and her sister crocheted all of the clothes they sold there. We decided to design a dress for Mona to crotchet. We drew her a picture of what we wanted and told her what colors and type of yarn to use. She did various measurements on Miranda and then crotcheted the dress so that it pretty much looked exactly as we had designed it.
She is still making clothes and for this assignment is willing to do more commissions. So what you need to do is design an article of clothing for Mona to make for you (you will have to pay Mona based on her rates so keep in mind that smaller simpler designs will also be cheaper) include colors, type of yarn and detailed measurements. Crocheting takes a long time so get your order in ASAP.
D O C U M E N T A T I O N >
Think about what you want to have. It can be anything. Contact Mona at info@soulchainboutique.com, or send her a letter, sketch and measurements to:
Soul Chain Boutique
146 N.E. 149th Place
Portland, Oregon 97230
For inclusion on the website, please make a copy of your original sketch and a photograph your completed collaboration with Mona.